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Conditionals and English
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If I got a puppy for my birthday....
Answer with "would + infinitive"
We would have gone to the wedding...
Answer with past perfect verb
shown / have / wouldn't / me / the / you / stain / hadn't / if / noticed. I...
I wouldn't have noticed the stain if you hadn't shown me.
If I ...................................... (be) a chef, I would shout at everybody in the kitchen.
If I were a chef, I would shout at everybody in the kitchen.
He would have helped me if he ...................................... (have) more time.
He would have helped me if he had had more time.
You would be an excellent painter if you ...................................... (practice) more.
You would be an excellent painter if you practiced more.
She ...................................... (tell) him the answer if he had asked.
She would have told him the answer if he had asked.
If the baby cries all night, we won't sleep well.
If you don't lock your bike, it will get stolen.
I will feel sick if I eat the whole pizza.
How do you say this in British and American English?
Br: Jumper. Am: Sweater
How do you say this in British and American English?
Br: Underground. Am: Subway
How do you say this in British and American English?
Br: Trousers. Am: Pants
How do you say this in British and American English?
Br: Aubergine. Am: Eggplant
Trolley-Shopping Cart, Faucet-Tap, Brackets-Parenthesis, Wardrobe-Closet
Boot-Trunk, Pavement-Sidewalk, Bill-Check, Sweets-Candy
What is another way to say "garden" in English? Which one is British?
Yard. Garden is British.
What is another way to say "garbage" in English? Which one is British?
Rubbish. Rubbish is British.
What is another way to say "rubber" in English? Which one is British?
Eraser. Rubber is British.