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What are two ways that magma can be formed into igneous rock?
It can be formed into volcanic rock when erupted through a volcano and into plutonic rock when it goes to the surafce through cracks.
What is magma?
Magma is melted rock.
What is the atmosphere?
It is the layers of gases that surround the Earth.
What are landslides and what causes them?
Landslides are made of rocks or soil that slide down a slope. They are caused by heavy rain.
What is erosion?
The gradual breaking down of the rock from wind and water.
What causes the oceans' tides?
The moon's gravitational pull controls the tides
You found a rock that had many wavy layers made from being heated and pressured over time. What type of rock did you find?
You found a rock made of sand and pebbles that had been compacted and cemented together. What type of rock did you find?
You found a glassy rock that was made of magma that had cooled inside the earth. What type of rock did you find?
What process causes sedimentary rocks to turn into sediments?
Minerals have specific properties:
hardness, colour, shape and lustre
What is the core?
the super-hot Earth´s layer, with a solid centre
What is the crust?
the top Earth´s layer, where we live
What is the mantle?
The middle layer of hot solid rock and hot liquid magma
What are the three types of rocks?
igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic
How are metamorphic rocks formed?
They are formed when sedimentary or igneous rocks are changed by extreme heat and pressure underground
How are igneous rocks formed?
They are formed when lava or magma cools down and turns into solid rock.
How are sedimentary rocks formed?
They are formed when small pieces of rock (sediments) are pressed together over time
What is a rock?
A rock is a mixture of different minerals.
Name three layers of the Earth.
crust, mantle, and core
A planet is?
Object that orbits the Sun, is massive enough to be nearly spherical in shape, and has no other object in its orbital path
According to this theory, the Universe formed from a single point and is still expanding.
the big bang theory
As the Earth spins on its axis, we have a ___ and ___ cycle.
day, night
How many phases does the Moon have when watching from the sky.
8 with 4 main phases
Without ____, humans & objects would all become weightless.
In this layer of the Earth's atmosphere, comets & asteroids usually burn up.
the mesosphere
In the ___ layer of the atmosphere on Earth, we can see clouds.
In the ___ layer of the Earth's atmosphere, we can see the Aurora Borealis.
the thermoshere
What layer of Earth's atmosphere do satellites and space stations orbit the Earth in?
the thermosphere
The very center of the Earth is called the ___.
inner core
How long is one day on Planet Earth?
24 hours
How long (in days) does it take us to orbit (revolve) around the Sun?
365 days
Name the 4 outer planets (farthest from the sun) and give a brief description.
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune - gas giants, freezing temperatures, many moons, and ring systems
Where is our solar system?
Inside one of the spiral arms of the Milky Way
Moons are smaller than planets and held in place by?
the pull of gravity of the planet they orbit
Which planet is the largest of the inner planets?
Name 3 characteristics needed to be considered a planet.
1. object must be in orbit around the sun 2. object must be nearly spherical in shape 3. object has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit of smaller planets
Name the planets in order from the sun.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
An extremely hot, dense mass of gases.
a star
Name 3 characteristics of Earth.
life, water covers 3/4 surface, 1 moon
Name the 4 inner planets (closest to the sun) and give a brief description.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars - small and rocky
What does our solar system consist of?
Sun, planets, dwarf planets (smaller planets), moons, asteroids, comets, meteoroids, and a host of frozen worlds beyond Neptune
What is the geosphere?
The layers that make up the Earth
What do we call the change when you pass through the layers of the geosphere?
a discontinuity