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Personality, B1, Roadmap
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He's vey.., he always finishes work later than the others.
He's very HARD-WORKING, he always finishes work later than the others.
She always does what she says she will do, she's really...
She always does what she says she will do, she's really REALIABLE
She's a very... person. She never gets angry or loses her temper.
She's a very PATIENT person. She never gets angry or loses her temper.
She's very... She'll be successful in her career.
She's very AMBITIOUS. She'll be successful in her career.
She has lots of interesting ideas. She's very...
She has lots of interesting ideas. She's very CREATIVE
He's a(n) ...person. He always tells the truth,
He's an HONEST .person. He always tells the truth,
He never dows any work or makes much effort. To be honest, he's really
He never dows any work or makes much effort. To be honest, he's really LAZY
She finds it difficult to speak to people she doesn't know. She's actually quite...
She finds it difficult to speak to people she doesn't know. She's actually quite SHY