Edit Game
Grade 7 - Level 1 Revision

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Traduce a español : Mumbai is a very cosmopolitan and big city. There are many malls and supermarkets. But there aren't many parks and also the streets are very narrow.
Mumbai es una ciudad muy cosmopolita y grande. Hay muchos centros comerciales y supermercados. Pero no hay muchos parques y las calles tambien son estrechas.
Traduce a español : This theatre is very big and famous
Este teatro es muy grande y famoso.
Traduce a español : Madrid is a very populated city.
Madrid es una ciudad muy poblada
Traduce a español : In the village, there are two churches and one train station.
En el pueblo, hay dos iglesias y un estacion del tren
Traduce a español : In my neighbourhood, there are many big museums.
En mi barrio, hay muchos museos grandes
Traduce a ingles : El pequeño pueblo no tiene restaurantes.
The small village doesn't have restaurants
Traduce a ingles : Este monumento es muy grande y elegante
This monument is very big and elegant
Traduce a ingles : Esta calle es muy estrecha
This road is very narrow
Traduce a ingles : Me gustan las ciudades grandes
I like big cities
Qué significa : anden
Qué significa : pasos de peatones
Crosswalk/ pedestrian crossing
Qué significa : centro comercial
shopping centre / mall
Qué significa : castillo