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____ is the measurement how close are particles to each other? A, density B. wind C. weight
A. density
True or false? Molecules (Particles) are always moving
What is atmosphere?
The space above the Earth's surface.
What is the name fir the little particles that are fouund in wind
What is responsible for making changes in the temprerature (____ energy)
What tool do we use to measure the direction of the wind
wind vane
What tool do we use to measure the speed of the wind?
Cold air means ____ (low, or high) pressure
High Pressure because the particles are densely packed and are not moving very fast.
Hot air means ____ (low, or high) pressure
Low pressure because the particles are moving faster and take up more space
True or False? Wind happens because high pressure cold winds collide with low pressure high winds
Fill in the blank. ____ (cold, hot) air produces Low air Pressure (Density)
Hot air
Fill in the blank. ____ (cold, hot) air produces High air Pressure (density)
This determined the WEIGHT if air in a given place
Air Pressure
____ shows How close molecules are to each other in specific place.
Air pressure is determined by? A) Density B) Temperature C) Humidity
A) Density
What is wind?
Movement of air particles usually in one direction