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REVIEW - March-April - Grammar

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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REPORT: I´m not hungry now.
She said she wasn´t hungry then.
ORGANIZE:studied / we / upcoming / haven´t / for / exam / the
We haven´t studied for the upcoming exam.
COMPLETE: He ---- my friend --- I was a boy.
He´s been my friend since I was a boy.
REPORT: I didn´t have a car a year ago.
He told me (that) he hadn´t had a car the previous year.
REPORT - I have lots of money.
REPORT - I painted a picture.
WHICH tense is this? I´ve been a student for 10 years.
Present Perfect simple
WHICH tense is this? I went to the movies yesterday.
Simple past
STATEMENT using EVER or NEVER - They / never / eat / Chinese noodles.
They have never eaten Chinese noodles.
Full conjugation of CRY
Full conjugation of: write
ASK:using never or ever - You / ride / a horse.
Have you ever ridden a horse.
REPORT: We´re studying hard for this exam.
They told me they were studying hard for that exam.
Report using: HE & TOLD I´m driving a car now.
He was driving a car then.
Report: YOU & SAID - She made a cake yesterday.