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An Linn Snámha

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'm happy
Tá áthas orm
Tá áthas orm
I'm happy
I'm scared
Tá eagla orm
Tá eagla orm
I'm scared
Tá fearg orm
I'm angry
I'm angry
Tá fearg orm
It's my .....
Is liomsa an tuáille
It's my .....
Is liomsa an uisce
I see...
Feicim garda tarrthála
I see ....
Feicim cith
I see....
Feicim siorc
It's my ...
Is liomsa an liathróid
It's my ....
Is liomsa an culaith shnámha
I can't run
Ní féidir liom rith
I can fly
Is féidir liom eitilt
I can't play
Ní féidir liom súgradh
I can fall
Is féidir liom titim
I can't laugh
Ní féidir liom gáire
I can eat
Is féidir liom ithe
I can't drink
Ní féidir liom ól
I can drive
Is féidir liom tiomáint
I can't cry
Ní féidir liom caoineadh
I can swim
Is féidir liom snámh
Who is playing?
Cé atá ag súgradh?
Who is driving?
Cé atá ag tiomáint?
Who is drinking?
Cé atá ag ól?
Who is eating?
Cé atá ag ithe?
Who is flying?
Cé atá ag eitilt?
Who is walking?
Cé atá ag siúl?
Who is running?
Cé atá ag rith?
Who is laughing?
Cé atá ag gáire?
Cé atá ag gáire?
Who is laughing?
Cé atá ag caoineadh?
Who is crying?
Who is crying?
Cé atá ag caoineadh?
Cé atá ag snámh?
Who is swimming?
Who is swimming?
Cé atá ag snámh?
Cé atá ag titim?
Who is falling?
Who is falling?
Cé atá ag titim?
I see ...
Feicim linn snámha