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Fluency Strategy Practice

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I am not sure that is a good idea. (SLOW RATE)
What is your favorite show to watch? (STRETCHY SPEECH)
Eyes on the prize!
I can't believe that I won the award at the art show. (PULL OUT)
Are you going to the dance this weekend? (EASY ONSET)
What is the name of the song that is playing? (LIGHT CONTACT)
Sounds good!
Jayden needs to get ready for school now. (CANCELLATION)
Way to go!
I would like pancakes and orange juice for breakfast. (CHUNKING)
I picked some flowers in my backyard. (SLOW RATE)
Sweet smell of success!!
Have you seen my blue coat and white hat? (EASY ONSET)
I am tired after all of the work I did today. (CHUNKING)
You did it!
Marcus needs new tennis shoes. (STRETCHY SPEECH)
There was a pop quiz in math. (PULL OUT)
We played soccer in gym class today. (EASY ONSET)
I have to stop by the library on Saturday. (CANCELLATION)
Good work!
Don't forget to set your alarm clock! (SLOW RATE)
What time does it start? (STRETCHY SPEECH)
You rock!
I have science and social studies homework tonight. (EASY ONSET)
Nicely done!
Can I have a glass of water? (PULL OUT)
Sydney left early for school this morning. (CHUNKING)
Good one!
Where do you live? (LIGHT CONTACT)
What time does the show start? (PULL OUT)
Way to go!
Where did I leave my homework? (EASY ONSET)
That was a good one!
Do you think I need a coat today? (CANCELLATION)
Nice job!
Don't forget to study for the science test. (STRETCHY SPEECH)
Easy Peasy!
The concert I went to last week was great! (CHUNKING)
You make this look easy!
Do we need to bring anything else? (SLOW RATE)
nice and slow!
What is the weather like today? (PULLOUT)
Would you please pass the chips? (CHUNKING)
Way to chunk!
James has to mow the yard. (LIGHT CONTACT)
Where did you get your new shirt? (STRETCHY SPEECH)
That sure was stretchy!
I got a blue fish at the pet store. (EASY ONSET)
Did you feed the dog this morning? (CHUNKING)
Great work!
Don't forget to take your phone with you. (LIGHT CONTACT)
The bus leaves at 10. (Use any strategy)
Good one!
Can we go to the movies this weekend? (SLOW RATE)
I would like cheese pizza for supper. (EASY ONSET)
Very smooth...