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I can save the Earth

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What can we reuse?
How can we reduce water and electricity or driving?
turn off water and lights, car pool
What can we recycle?
bottles, cans, paper
At the end of the story what did Max do with the litter?
picked it up
At the end of the story what did Max do with the water?
turned it off
At the end of the story what did Max do with the lights?
turned it off
What did he do with the leaves?
put them in a compost
What did he do in the snow?
made an igloo, snow angel, T Rex
What did he do in the leaves?
jumped in them
What did he do in the Ocean?
found sea shells and put feet in water
What did Max pick up at the ocean?
old bottles and wrappers
What did he hear chirping and hooting?
birds and owls
What did he see when he went outside?
full moon
What happened to the lights and TV when he was watching TV?
there was a blackout
In the beginning of the story, what did Max do with his candy wrappers?
left them on the floor
In the beginning of the story, what did Max do with the water?
left it running
In the beginning of the story, what did Max do with the lights?
leave them on
What was the solution to the problem?
reduce, reuse, recycle
What is the problem?
things that are hurting our earth
Who is the main character?