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Past simple negative

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Transform into negative: My cat slept the whole day !!
Transform into negative: You made a great coffee!
Translate into Polish: Elena nie wzięła swetra.
Translate into English: Nie dałem Ci mojej książki
Transform into negative: We felt sick yesterday:(
Translate: Mama nie ugotowała obiadu w czwartek
Translate: Sara nie przeczytała książki w weekend
Transform into negative: They woke up early in the morning
Transform into negative: Brian took nice photos on his holiday last year.
Did+not = ?????
Translate into Polish: I didn't go to school yesterday
Translate into Polish: They didn't stay in a hotel.
Translate: Elena nie spała dobrze
Transform into negative: I drank the whole juice.
Transform into negative: Basia wczoraj nie czuła się dobrze
Translate: Ania nie zrobiła zadania
Translate: Nie widziałem Cię !
Transform into negative: Tonny had a nice walk in the park.
Translate: Basia nie zjadła śniadania rano.
Transform into negative: Kate met her teacher yesterday
Transform into negative: I went to school yesterday