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Sports Idioms

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Plenty of other fish in the sea
There are many other options
Out of someone's league
Not as good as someone
To be off base
Not making a fair or true remark
Shot in the dark
A guess
Skate on thin ice
Do something risky, take a chance
Start the ball rolling
Begin something
Take a rain check
Accept at a later time
Take the bull by the horns
Accept the challenge and try your hardest
Under the table
Time out
Throw in the towel
Give up
Make the cut
Be chosen to be part of a team or group
Long shot
A very difficult thing to accomplish
Learn the ropes
Understand new things
Keep your head above water
Try not to fall behind in work or other duties
Jump the gun
Start too early
Have the upper hand
Have a better chance of winning or succeeding
Go overboard
Do or say more than you need to
Give you a run for your money
Try your hardest to defeat another person
Give it your best shot
Try your hardest
Get off the hook
Escape, have responsibility removed
Get into the full swing
Be comfortable doing something after some time
Get a head start
Start before all others
Front runner
One of the people who is expected to win
Chip in
Help by donating money or time
Call the shots
Make the decisions
Bark up the wrong tree
You've got the wrong person or idea
The ball is in your court
It’s your decision or responsibility to do something now