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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She is trying to_______ to her new glasses. A) use to B) get used C) be used
get used
I ______ play soccer when I was younger. A) used to B) got used to
used to
She is traveling to _____India next week.
no article
They visited ____Great Wall of China.
I am reading _____ book you lent me.
They live in _____ apartment downtown.
guess the idiom
play to your strengths
guess the idiom
make ends meet
guess the idiom
get the ball rolling
Limits or restrictions on the amount of money that can be spent on a particular project or activity.
budget constraints
to be delayed compared to the planned timeline or agenda.
fall behind the schedule
to continue progressing as planned without deviating from the intended course or schedule.
stay on track
The company __________ clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of each employee in the organization.
Good leadership aims to create a good _________ where employees feel motivated and valued.
A strong corporate _______ fosters unity, loyalty, and innovation among employees.
The pay ______ for this position is competitive compared to industry standards.
I have _______ time to finish the assignment. A) a few B) many C) several D) a little
a little
She has _______ friends in the city." A) little B) a lot C) few
"There are _______ apples on the table." A) few B) much C) a few
a few
"I wish _______.A) I can speak Spanish fluently. B) I speaking Spanish fluently. C) I could speak Spanish fluently. D) I will speak Spanish fluently
I could speak Spanish fluently.
Make a sentece to present your opinion .Use "From my perspective"
Good Job
Make a sentence to present your opinion using " To tell the truth"