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Ancient African Kingdoms

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Why were large caravans so important?
They offered protection from bandits
Why were camels so important to the caravan?
They have adapted to going long periods of time without water and can survive changes in body temperature to help them adjust to the hot days and cold nights
What is a caravan?
Large group of people and camels traveling together
Where did one of the most important African trade routes start and go to?
It started in Timbuktu, moved across the Sahara Desert to Siljimasa
Name three items that were trades in the African Trade Routes
Gold, Ivory, Salt, Kola Nuts, Cloth, Iron, Beads
Name two items that the Swahili Coastal Societies traded
Gold, Slaves, Iron, Ivory
Why were the Swahili Coastal societies important?
They connected trade from interior Africa to the maritime trade routes in coastal Africa which established a connection to China
Why did slaves have an important role in the Songhai Empire?
They were used to transport goods across the Sahara to Morocco and to the Middle East
What city became extremely important for trade and education in all empires?
What was an African storyteller called?
What religion was important in the Songhai and Mali Empires?
What did people in Mali call their governors?
Why was Mansa Musa the most famous king/emperor?
He was extremely wealthy and went on a lavish pilgrimage to the city of Mecca
Who was the most famous leader in Mali?
Mansa Musa
Who were highly regarded in the Mali culture and why?
Farmers, they were the ones who provided food for the empire
What was the main source of wealth in Ghana?
Mining iron and gold
What was gold used for in the Ghana Empire?
To trade with other nations for resources like livestalk tools and cloth
What was iron used for in the Ghana Empire?
to create strong weapons and tools to make the empire strong
How long did it take to cross the Sahara Desert?
40 days
What did the soninke people call the Ghana empire?
What was the name of the buildings Aksum built?
Name one way Aksum was one of the most advanced societies in Africa at the time
Developed a written language, minted coins, had terrance farming
What was Aksum's primary religion?
What were the two biggest exports of Mali?
Salt and Gold
Where was the Kingdom of Songhai located?
Western Africa, south of the Sahara along the Niger River
What river did the Mali empire grow up around?
Niger River
Where was the Kingdom of Ghana located?
Western Africa
Where was the Kingdom of Aksum located?
Southern coast of the Red Sea