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talk about the name of river in Viet Nam

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It originates from the Yunnan mountain region of China, and enters Vietnam at Seo Lung Village, Lung Cu Commune, **** Van District. The river passes through Tu San Abyss Alley and then runs along Ma Pi Leng,
Nho Que river ( Hà Giang)
It is the largest tributary of the Red River with 927km It flows to Hoa Binh province and it has a big hydroelectric power plant
Đà River
It is one of the biggest and most important rivers located in southwestern part of Vietnam. With a length of about 2,700 miles, the river is the 7th longest is Asia
Mekong Delta river
It flows to the North-East to Hue city, only an echo of Truong Son mountain, and passes the place where Nguyen emperors spend their rest in peace forever.
Perfume River or Huong River
It originates in China and flows for around 510km through Hà Nội and eight provinces in northern Việt Nam
The Hồng (Red) River