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Food flavors
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This apple turned ______ it has been out of the fridge for two weeks. a. salty. b. tasty c. sour
c. sour
Black chocolate is not really my thing, it is too ________ a. bitter b. salty c. bland
a. bitter
Mexican and Indian food could be really ________ a. sweet b. salty. c. spicy
c. spicy
The cake looks _______ I want a slide please. a. bland b. salty c. tasty
c. tasty
This snack is not really ________ it is kind of old . a. tasty b. crunchy c. bitter
b. crunchy
Most people would describe this taste as _________ a. bitter b. salty c. crunchy
a. bitter
The ice cream is very _______ it has too much candy! a. sweet b. salty c. bland
a. sweet
These potatoes are pretty ______ I need to drink some water. a. sweet b. salty c. tasty
b. salty
If food flavor is boring, we would say it is _____ a. tasty b. bitter c bland
c. bland