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TA 12 Unit 9 Looking back

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The picnic has been ______ until next week due to bad weather.
put off
got off
put out
got out
Lily loves kitchen work. She often helps her mom________ the dishes.
wash up
wash through
wash over
wash away
The Covid-19 pandemic reminds us to respect doctors and nurses, who _________ others in our society.
care for
pick up
call back
go on
Huy helped the old man to _____ the bus.
get off
take off
make off
give off
Hoa is a brilliant student. It’s difficult to _______ her if you don’t try very hard.
keep pace with
pay attention to
make use of
make up of
Last year, Sam worked as a volunteer_________ the elderly people in a nursing home.
looking after
getting over
putting on
taking off
You should _________ the form and hand it in as soon as possible.
fill in
go on
put up
give up
The foreign teacher was speaking so fast. Nga couldn’t ______ the main contents of his lesson.
note down
go on
take off
give up
He felt disappointed and __________ school after the first term.
dropped out of
ran out of
cut down on
keep up with
The doctor told him to __________ chips and chocolate.
cut down on
drop out of
drop it on
run out of
We thought we could __________ you while we were passing by.
drop it on
drop out of
run out of
keep up with
They __________ money and had to abandon the project.
ran out of
drop out of
drop it on
cut down on
I don't think she would __________ her sister-in-law.
get on with
keep up with
go on with
come up with
Come on, Linda. Can you __________ a better idea?
come up with
get on with
run out of
keep up with
If you don't work hard, you won't be able to __________ your friends.
keep up with
come up with
cut down on
go on with
That's enough for now – let's __________ the discussion tomorrow.
go on with
cut down on
drop out of
keep up with