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Our body

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We have got 206 _______ and 600 _______
in our mouth is a bone call ______
in our head is a bone call ____
What nerve take messages from your senses and send them to your brain?
The spinal cord
The nervous system is made up from _______ that send message from the brain to the body
The organ of ____ is the tongue
The organs of ______ are the ears
The organ of _____ is the skin
The organ of _____ is the nose
The organs of _____ are eyes
Where does sperm leave the body?
The penis
Where are sperm produced?
The testicles
The_____ __ conects the uterus with outside of the body
The vagina
the ____ are eggs fertilised
The _____are eggs produced
The Ovaries.
The ____ is tube that carries urine out of the body
The urethra
The ____ holds your urine until you go to the toilet
The bladder.
The ____ filter your blood and remove waste products
The kidneys
The ___ takes blood back to the heart
The Veins.
The ____takes blood away from the heart to all parts of the body
The arteries
The ___ pumps blood around your body
The heart
The ____ leaves your body when you breath out
The carbon dioxide
The ____ contracts to push air out of the lungs
The diaphragm
The ____ absorb oxygen from the air and pass to the blood
The lungs
The tube that conects the mouth to the lungs is called ______
Air enters your body through the_____ or mouth.
The ____ is where the food end
To the rectum.
The ____ ____absorb the nutrients of food that you eat
The small intestine.
The _____  helps dissolves the food
The stomach.
The ____ is the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach
The esophagus.
The ___  the food break in to smaller pieces
The mouth.