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USHB Domain 5 Review

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1. What documents are referred to in this newspaper headline? 2. What did they show?
1. Pentagon Papers 2. That the US was more involved in Vietnam than the gov't was telling the public
What is this an image of?
Kent State University - unarmed students were shot by members of the Ohio National Guard on May 4, 1970
What is this a picture of?
3 Mile Island - serious accident in 1979 where one of the reactors at a nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania partially melted down.
1. Who is this person? 2. How is he connected to President Nixon?
1.Gerald Ford 2. His VP - pardoned him which was controversial
Who are the two political figures in this image?
President George Bush and VP Dan Quayle
What group does this image represent?
The Black Panthers
What is this image showing?
The Cuban Missile Crisis
What term defines the theme of this political cartoon?
What is the main message of this political cartoon?
Social media's influence/impact on the United States.
Look at the following headline and detail what was Ford's main goal by pardoning Nixon?
To move forward and establish trust with the American public again.
What is shown in the following image during the Vietnam War?
Napalm - used to clear heavy brush, jungles
1. What historical event does this photo show? 2. What countries are involved?
1.The Camp David Accords 2. The US, Egypt, and Israel
What group was associated with the Equal Rights Amendment in this image?
NOW - National Organization for Women
What historical event is this political cartoon referring to?
Watergate, Nixon resignation
What is this political cartoon detailing?
The Civil Rights Act of 1964
1. What resulted in this image? 2. Who are the two people in this image?
1. The assassination of JFK. 2. VP Lyndon B. Johnson, First Lady Jackie Kennedy
Provide 3 terms associated with this image.
Counterculture movement, hippies, protest movement
What event is this famous line from?
Apollo 11 Moon Landing
What significance does the Gulf of Tonkin have in US History?
Led to the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, escalating US involvement in Vietnam.
What famous court case is the newspaper referring to?
Brown vs. Board of Education - separate is not equal, overturned Plessy vs. Ferguson
What domestic issue following WWII is the cartoon referring to?
What policy is this map image detailing?
Marshall Plan
What resulted from this book?
Environmental Movement, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
Explain the importance of this image on US History.
opened communication, new industries, created billions in revenue and billionaires.
Explain the significance of this election.
First African American president is elected.
1. What is this an image of? 2. What did it signify?
1. Fall of the Berlin Wall 2. Collapse of communism, Soviet Union
1. What was this event? 2. Name two effects.
1. September 11, 2001 2. War on Terror, escalation in the Middle East, Department of Homeland Security
What is this political cartoon referring to?
Reaganomics, Ronald Reagan
Provide 3 terms associated with this photo.
Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, impeachment,
What is this image a result of?
The G. I. Bill of Rights
Provide three terms associated with this image.
Korean War, demilitarized zone, Communism, Kim Il- Sung, 38th Parallel
Provide two details - 1. What areas did Sputnik influence in the US? What country was responsible for Sputnik?
1. US technology and education. 2. The U.S.S.R
Who specifically was the March on Washington and King's "I Have a Dream Speech" directed at?
JFK - to hopefully encourage him to uphold his campaign promises of Civil Rights Legislation.
Explain the following image and detail its importance to US History.
Kennedy/Nixon presidential debate, importance of television on society
Provide 3 key terms relating to this image.
Cesar Chavez, farm workers, workers rights, United Farm Workers