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Surface Area Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What shape does this make?
It doesn't - the net doesn't net properly
Draw the net
Please don't draw it like a penis...
Draw the net
Netty net net
Draw the net
Net net net
Draw this as a 3D object
Did you draw the domino?
Draw the side view of this object
3 squares across - 3 squares high
What is the largest ocean on Earth?
In square kilometers, which Canadian province is the smallest?
Prince Edward Island
What is the capital of Canada?
Ottawa, ON
How many days are in the month of May?
Which fish has no brain or heart?
jelly fish
What is the slowest moving mammal in the world?
What is the largest rain forest in the world?
Amazon Rain Forest
What color shorts does Mickey Mouse wear?
360 cm2
162 cm2
200 in2
204 cm2
384 in2
96 cm2
790 m2
Find the surface area.
245.04 cm2
Find the surface area.
226.19 m2
Find the total surface area.
753.98 in2
144.91 in2
Find the surface area.
1922.65 ft2
Find the total surface area.
4398.23 in2
Find the total surface area.
352 in2
Find the surface area.
150 cm2