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Bridges To Readiness Math Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which years are not as good at predicting the percentage of garbage that is produced?
Between the years 2000 to 2005
Between the years 1990 - 1995
Between the years 1985 - 1990
Between the years 1917 - 1995
For which years is the model good at predicting the percentage of garbage that is produced?
Between the years 1990 - 1995
Between the years - 2000 -2005
Between the years 1970 - 1975
Between the years 1980 - 1985
Is it linear?
It is not a linear function. The ROT is not constant.
Yes it is a linear.
Is the length of the shadow a function of time?
Yes the length of the shadow is indeed a function of time.
No it is not a function.
Based on this information, estimate how long it will be after 95 minutes.
95/20 = 48.375 cm long
10/2 = 5 cm long
6/2 = 3 cm long
8/2 = 4 cm long
How long did it take Kiran to run 6 meters?
2 seconds
3 seconds
4 seconds
5 seconds
Tommy is buying tickets to get into the art museum. Each adult ticket cost $12. Each child ticket costs $6. Tommy spends $210 on tickets. Tommy buys a total of 24 tickets. How many of each type of ticket did he buy?
11 adult tickets 13 child tickets
5 adult tickets 2 child tickets
6 adult tickets 8 child tickets
7 adult tickets 5 child tickets
Did the amount of garbage increase or decrease between 2005 and 2009?
Did the amount of garbage increase or decrease between 1999 and 2000?
A candle is burning. It starts out 10 inches long. After 2 hours it’s 8 inches long. After 4 hours, it is 4 inches long. If yes is it a linear function.
A candle is burning. It starts out 10 inches long. After 2 hours it’s 8 inches long. After 4 hours, it is 4 inches long.Is the height of the candle a function of time?
A candle is burning. It starts out 10 inches long. After 2 hours it’s 8 inches long. After 4 hours, it is 4 inches long. When do you think it will burn completely?
Select all the values that are equivalent to 6
Is the slope of your line of best fit positive or negative?
Using your line of best fit, predict how many dollars Jim will earn for working 10 hours?
How many dollars did Jim earn for working 5 hours?
Matthew drew the line of best fit on the scatter plot shown. What is the equation of this line of best fit in slope form?
y = 6/5x + 2
y = 2x + â…š
y = â…š x + 4
y = 4x+ â…š
What is the solution of these two equations? y = 1/2( 12d + 8) = y = 6d + 4
4 = 4 Infinitely Many Solutions
x = 4 y = 8
x = 1 y = 2
0 = 2 No Solutions
What is the solution of these two equations? y= x + 2 y = 2x + 12
x = 10 y = 12
x = 4 y = 8
x = 1 y = 2
x = 0 y = 1