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Country + Nationality

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Name the country, the nationality & what this country is famous for.
Hungary - Hungarian. Hungary is famous for its capitol,  Budapest, hospitable people, goulash, music
Name the country, the nationality & what this country is famous for.
Japan - Japanese.                  Japan is famous for sushi, kimonos, bonsais, cars, and samurais.
Name the country, the nationality & what this country is famous for.
China - Chinese.                      China is famous for panda bears, rice, terracotta worriers, and cheap clothes.
Name the country, the nationality & what this country is famous for.
Switzerland - Swiss. Switzerland is famous for chocolate, watches, Cuckoo clocks, Swiss cheese and skiing.
Name the country, the nationality & what this country is famous for.
Spain - Spanish.                      Spain is famous for bullfights, oranges, flamenco music, dancing, good food and wine.
Name the country, the nationality & what this country is famous for.
France - French.                    France is famous for the pastries, bread French cheese and wine, the Eiffel Tower and Tour de France.
Name the country, the nationality & what this country is famous for.
Turkey - Turkish.                  Turkey is famous for the Turkish desserts, Turkish coffee, kebabs,  architecture, resorts & beaches.
Name the country, the nationality & what this country is famous for.
Poland - Polish.                      Poland is famous for its role in the WW2, Chopin, Mari Curie, pierogi, kielbasa
Name the country, the nationality & what this country is famous for.
Denmark -  Danish.        Denmark is famous for Danish pastries, Vikings,  Copenhagen.
Name the country, the nationality & what this country is famous for.
Greece - Greek.                      Greece is famous for olives and olive oil, feta cheese, Greek dancing, beaches, and the Parthenon.
Name the country, the nationality & what this country is famous for.
The Netherlands (Holland) - Dutch. The Netherlands is famous for the tulips, windmills, Amsterdam, cheese, and clogs
Name the country, the nationality & what this country is famous for.
Austria - Austrian.              Austria is famous for Vienna (capital), waltz, Mozart, skiing, schnitzel, bread and pastries.
Name the country, the nationality & what this country is famous for.
Germany - German.            Germany is famous for Beethoven, beer, Oktoberfest, Hitler and fascism
Name the country, the nationality & what this country is famous for.
The United Kingdom - British. The UK is famous for its capital, London, the Big Ben (Elizabeth Tower), the double decker buses, Beatles, Royal family
Name the country, the nationality & what this country is famous for.
Portugal - Portuguese.  Portugal is famous for Lisbon, its capital, and the blue tiles (azulejos).
Name the country, the nationality & what this country is famous for.
Italy -  Italian.                            Italy is famous for pasta, pizza, scooters, the Tower of Pisa, Rome...
Name the country, the nationality & what this country is famous for.
Sweden - Swedish.              Sweden is famous for furniture (IKEA), Alfred Nobel, fishing, and cold winters.
Name the country, the nationality & what this country is famous for.
The USA - American.                 The United States of America are famous for hamburgers, baseball, cowboys, and the Statue of Liberty.
Name the country, the nationality & what this country is famous for.
Canada - Canadian.          Canada is famous for ice hockey, snow, maple syrup and the Niagara Falls.
Name the country, the nationality & what this country is famous for.
Belgium - Belgian.            Belgium is famous for chocolate, Brussels sprouts and windmills.
Name the country, the nationality & what this country is famous for.
Russia - Russian.                   Russia is famous for Russian dolls, ballet, the Kremlin - Red Square.