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Articulate It!

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He's ___ very good cyclist.
Are ___ Andes as high as ___ Himalayas?
the/ the
an/ the
the/ -
What you need is ___ rest.
Is it correct? Last night we had the dinner in the most expensive restaurant in town.
Last night we had dinner in the most expensive restaurant in (the) town.
We travelled by ___ camel across __ Sahara Desert.
-/ the
the/ the
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___ happiness isn't the only thing in ___ life.
-/ the
the/ the
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___ doctor said he was suffering from __ depression.
the/ -
the/ the
a/ a
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After stealing bananas from____ RImi, Susan spent __ few weeks in ___ prison.
-/ a/ -
- / the/ the
the/ -/ a
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___ President of ___ USA is giving ___ speech tonight.
the/the/ a
-/-/ a
the/ the/the
the/ -/ a
Is it correct? The most important thing people can do for planet is to recycle more.
....for the planet...
Whenever I'm on ___ holiday in __ UK, I spend a few days shopping on ___ Oxford Street.
-/ the/ -
the/ the/the
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_____first camping trip I went on wasn’t in____ Europe.
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the/ the
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-/ the
Although I don’t generally like ____ cats, I like _____ one next door.
-/ the
the/ the
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She works as ___ volunteer.
Photographer Ben Moon has made ___ emotional short film about ___ best friend he ever had.
an/ the
a/ the
the/ the
an/ a