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THUG Ch. 23

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What are some businesses they saw that were destroyed?
McDonald's and drugstore
What was the decision that has outraged people in Garden Heights?
Officer 115 was not indicted for the murder of Khalil
What are some things that have occurred as a result of Starr talking about the night Khalil got shot?
death threats, cops harassing her family, and somebody shot into her house
What causes Chris to yelp?
gunshots go off
Since roadblocks are blocking they way to Mav's store, they have to drive through the ______ side.
In order to get to Mav's store, Seven will need to take the long way. What are they worried about?
GD territory and where most of the riots happened last time
On the way to Mav's store, what do they keep running into?
What dreaded question does Chris as towards the end of the chapter?
"Why do some black people give their kids odd names?
What questions do Seven, Starr, and Seven ask Chris to figure out if he is "really black"
Do you eat green bean casserole? Macaroni and cheese: full meal or a side dish?
In the midst of the riots happening and observing businesses being destroyed, Starr says they need to go help who?
Big Mav and protect the grocery store
What are the rioters doing?
throwing rocks, chanting, throwing a Molotov cocktail, destroying cars with a bat....
What is the phrase that people are chanting?
"Justice for Khalil"
What is spray painted on some of the businesses?
"black owned"
Why did Chris say it was good that DeVante wasn't a dead man?
more time to beat him in Madden
What street do Seven, DeVante, Starr, and Chris head towards?
Where did Seven drop Kenya and Lyric off?
At Seven's grandma's house
Why does Kenya decide to stay with Lyric?
In case Iesha shows up
When Starr says she wants to riot, what was Chris's response?
He said it won't solve anything.
What does Starr say she wants to do after hearing about the grand jury's decision?
scream, cry, puke, hit somebody, protest, or riot.
How did King's people find DeVante?
He was visiting his brother Dalvin at the cemetery. Before he could catch the bus back, King's boys snatched him up.