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Insurance Terms and Pronunciation Wrap-up

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is "adjuster" in insurance claims?
An insurance adjuster is a person who investigates claims on behalf of the insurance company to determine the extent of the company's liability and the amount o
What does "exclusion" mean in an insurance policy?
Exclusions are specific risks or situations that are not covered by an insurance policy.
What is a "claim" in the context of insurance?
A formal request made by the insured to the insurance company to receive payment for a covered loss or event.
What does the term "premium" refer to in the context of insurance?
An insurance premium is the amount of money an individual or business pays for an insurance policy.
Which insurance policy covers damage or loss of items such as jewelry, artwork, or collectibles?
(Valuable) Personal Property Insurance
What type of insurance covers legal expenses in case you are sued for causing injury or property damage to others?
Liability Insurance
What is the purpose of "life insurance"?
To provide financial protection to beneficiaries in the event of the insured person's death.
Which type of insurance protects a homeowner against financial losses from damage to their property or liability for injuries and damage caused to others on their property?
Home Insurance
What term can you use when people fake an accident to receive "easy money"?
What's the missing word? "My father waited 2 years to receive the _______ from the insurance after the hurricane destroyed his house" (it's a synonym of PAYMENT)
What's the term to refer to this: "when an insurance company wants to buy insurance on their own insurance policies"
Give us an example of a "weird" type of insurance.
You got it!
Name 5 types of insurance.
What's the term used to refer to the other party that pays a company in exchange for protection against certain risk.
What's the term for "A company that offers a guarantee for a certain risk that may or may not occur" (it's not insurance)?
What's the right way to pronounce this word? GUARANTEE
What's the missing word in this phrase? "Insurance helps us maintain _______ of mind knowing that someone else will pay if something bad happens to us"
What's the right way to pronounce this word? COVERAGE