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Roller Coaster Physics Vocabulary

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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a force that resists the motion of an object
What type of car did the first roller coaster have?
amount of motion that an object possesses
measurement of how fast and object is moving
measurement of the amount of pounds
measurement of the amount of material in a substance
What is Newton's 3rd Law?
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction
Which of Newton's laws is also known as the Law of Inertia?
Newton's 1st Law
tendency of an object remain at rest
speed and direction that an object moves
What is the force from the Earth that attracts objects?
What is energy of motion?
kinetic energy
What is the amount of energy stored by an object relative to its position?
potential energy
What is the sensation felt when no external force is acting upon your body?
What is the unit of acceleration?
Where was the first true roller coaster introduced in the U.S.?
Coney Island
What is a force?
push or pull acting upon an object
Why is critical velocity important? What is it?
the speed needed at the top of a loop for a car to make it through the loop without falling off the track
material that was used to build the first roller coasters
first roller coaster that introduced loops and a corkscrew track
motion along a curve or through a circle
centripetal force
change in speed or direction