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The Hunger Games- Chapter 21 Challenge

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What is the last thing Katniss remembers before she loses consciousness in cave?
"an exquisitely beautiful green-and-silver moth landing on the curve of my wrist"
What does the "slim box" from the orange backpack have in it?
A hypodermic needle
What nickname does Thresh call Katniss when he lets her go?
Fire girl
Why does Thresh spare Katniss' life?
Because she told him that she tried to help Rue
How does Thresh incapacitate Clove?
Smashes her head in with a rock "the size of a small loaf of bread"
How does Katniss become free of Clove?
Thresh grabs Clove and "holds her like a rag doll... flips Clove around and flings her onto the ground."
What does Katniss say will be her "last act of defiance"?
Stare Clove down, not cry out, die undefeated
What did Clove promise Cato?
"If he let me have you, I'd give the audience a good show."
What does Katniss see when Clove opens her jacket?
An impressive array of knives
What does Clove first say to Katniss has Clove has her pinned to the ground?
"Where's your boyfriend, District Twelve?"
Where does the second knife hit Katniss?
in the forehead
Who does Katniss first hit with her bow and arrow at the feast?
Who does Katniss say might be the "real opponent"?
Where had Foxface been hiding prior to the feast?
inside the Cornucopia
Who is the first tribute to grab their backpack?
How does Katniss describe the backpack with the "12" on it?
tiny and orange
What color is the backpack with the number "5" on it?
What color is the tablecloth that is on the feast table
snowy white
What is the shape of the table that emerges from the ground?
What happens just as the "first ray of sun glints off the gold Cornucopia"?
The ground splits in two and a table rises in to the arena
Where does Katniss hide to wait for the other tributes for "blood to begin to flow"?
the underbrush
What does Katniss say she "sorely misses" and will pay someone to do for her if she wins the games
her hearing
What does Katniss do for the cameras right before she leaves Peeta and the cave?
Gives Peeta a lingering kiss and pretends to wipe a tear away
What does Katniss take of Rue's to the feast?
Rue's extra pair of socks to wear on her hands
What does Katniss take of Peeta's to the feast?
His jacket
What does Katniss know that Gale will NOT be doing as he watches the feast?
"shouting and cheering"
What will probably be canceled in District 12 because of the feast?
How did the Gamemakers affect the weather in this chapter?
They "sent an infusion of frozen air across the arena"
"Feasts always result in ________________"
What did Claudius Templesmith tell the tributes that should look for at the feast
a backpack with their district number
What is Katniss' greatest asset?
Her ability to kill at a distance
Which other tribute is Katniss unsure about coming to the feast?
What weapon does Katniss debate leaving with Peeta?
the knife
How many arrows does Katniss have left at the beginning of Chapter 21