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Give one food influenced by the Spaniards.
Menudo, pochero, leche flan, relleno, afritada, brazo de mercedes, mechado, etc.
Give one game taught by the Spaniards.
juego de prenda, panguingue, sipa, and patintero
The painter who painted "Las Virgenes Cristianas Expuestas al Populacho."
Felix Hidalgo
The painter who painted "Spoliarium."
Juan Luna
It was the instrument made by Father Diego Cerra in 1824.
Bamboo Organ
He is called “Prinsipe ng Makatang Tagalog" or "Prince of Filipino Poets."
Francisco Baltazar
It was used by Spaniards in teaching cathechism to Filipinos.
Doctrina Christiana
(TRUE or FALSE) Spaniards taught FIlipinos Spanish language.
(TRUE or FALSE) The Filipinos were not given equal opportunities in education during Spanish colonization.
It is the school where FIlipinos were trained to be teachers.
Normal Schools
What decree established primary schools in the country during the Spanish time?
Educational Decree of 1863