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Self-Care Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What 3 types of self-care are happening in this gif?
Physical, mental, and emotional (Taking a nap)
What 2 types of self-care are happening in this gif?
Social and emotional(Asking a friend for advice)
What can you do for emotional self-care?
What else can you do for social self-care?
Have dinner with your family
What 2 types of self-care are happening in this gif?
Social and Emotional (Comforting a friend)
What can you do for social self-care?
Call a friend
What else can you do for mental self-care?
Organizing/cleaning up your room
What 2 types of self-care are happening in this gif?
Mental and Social (Studying with a friend)
What can you do for mental self-care?
Mindful breathing
What else can you do for physical self-care?
What 2 types of self-care are happening in this gif?
Physical and Social (Joining a group exercise class)
What can you do for physical self-care?
Lift weights