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Between what to cities was the first railway line built in Spain?
Barcelona and Mataró
Before the Industrial Revolution, society was divided into three estates: the nobility, the clergy, and _______________.
Ordinary/normal/regular people
Who worked for the church: the nobility, the clergy, or the ordinary people?
the clergy
Who owned most of the land and had privileges and positions of power: the nobility, the clergy, or the ordinary people?
the nobility or the nobles
Which artistic period was a reaction against Romanticism?
Which artistic period was a reaction to the Industrial Revolution?
What art style is this?
What art style is this?
What art style is this?
Which artistic period showed an importance of color, light, and shade.
Which artistic period showed the reality of everyday life and did not show emotion?
Which artistic period showed beauty, nature, and emotions?
Who was the poorest? Upper-class, middle-class, and working-class
Who was the richest? Upper-class, middle-class, or working-class
During the Industrial Revolution, the three estates (nobles, clergy, ordinary people) was replaced by a class-based society. What are they called?
Upper-class, middle-class, and working-class
Which class of children had to work during the Industrial Revolution: working-class, middle-class, or upper-class?
During the Industrial Revolution, working-class men gained the right to _______.
During the Industrial Revolution, women were paid ______ than men for doing the same job.
True or false: During the Industrial Revolution, men and women worked in factories.
Who paid taxes, didn't have any privileges, and worked on farms and servants: the nobility, the clergy, or the ordinary people?
ordinary people