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Modern Spain

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Where in Spain were the first factories built during the industrial Revolution.
True or false: The Industrial Revolution changes happened a lot faster in Spain than in other European countries
False- slower
Steam trains are powered by burning ___________.
True or false: People did not use steam trains and steam ships during the Industrial revolution.
False- They did. Thye used stream trains to travel long distances and steam ships to transport products across the world.
During the Industrial Revolution, industry became more important then ____________.
As a result of the Industrial Revolution, people started moving from the _____________ to the _________ to work in factories.
From the countryside to the cities
Where did the Industrial Revolution start ?
Great Britain
What invention began the Industrial Revolution?
The steam engine
Which group of people supported Carlos in the Carlist Wars?
Which group of people supported Isabel II in the Carlist Wars?
When Fernando VII died, his daughter Isabel II became queen. Some people wanted his brother, Carlos, to be king. This led to which wars?
Carlist Wars
True or False: In Spain, the conservatives supported an absolute monarchy.
In Spain, the liberals wanted the monarchy to have _________ power.
After Fernando VII abolished the Constitution of Cadiz, the country remained divided between __________ and __________.
liberals and conservatives
True or False: The Constitution of Cadiz included less power for the monarchy, freedom of press, and the right for men to vote.
Who helped Spain fight France in the Spanish War of Independence?
Portuguese and British troops
Why did the Spanish War of Independence start?
Napoleon broke the agreement and attacked Spain. The Spanish were unprepared and disorganized, France gained control of most of Spain.
True or False: Before the French Revolution, the nobles had to pay taxes and everyone loved that the king had all the power.
False: Nobles did not have the pay taxes. Everyone else did. People did NOT like that the king had all the power.
True or False: The start of the French Revolution was when the nobles attacked the Bastille .
False- The revolutionaries attacked the Bastille. They were not nobles.
In 1807, Napoleon Boaparte signed a treaty with Spain, giving him permission to cross ________ to conquer _________.
cross Spain / conquer Portugal