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Georgia Government

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Which step in the Criminal Justice Process is being described? During this step, both sides, the defense and the prosecution gather evidence.
Preparing for trial
Which step in the Criminal Justice Process is being described? The suspect agrees to plead guilty in exchange for a lighter sentence and there is no trial.
plea bargaining
A drunk driver is accused of killing someone in a traffic accident. What type is case is this?
If you commit a crime at the age of 14, which court handles your case?
Juvenile Court
Which court is the highest court in Georgia?
Name 2 of the trial courts in Georgia.
Superior, Juvenile, State, Probate, Magistrate
What are the two appellate courts in Georgia?
Supreme Court & Court of Appeals
Who appoints the leaders of departments such as Department of Natural Resources and Department of Public Safety?
Lieutenant Governor, Governor or Both: Elected by popular vote, Serves a 4 year term
Lieutenant Governor, Governor or Both: President of the Senate, Georgia’s second highest ranking executive officer
Lieutenant Governor
Lieutenant Governor, Governor or Both: Can veto legislation, Commander-in-chief of Georgia’s military, Signs bills into laws, Limited to serving 2 consecutive terms
How long must the Governor be a resident of Georgia before being elected?
6 years
Who is responsible for selecting the Lieutenant Governor of Georgia?
Citizens of Georgia
Who is the president of Georgia's senate?
Lieutenant Governor of Georgia
Which branch of government is responsible for enforcing the laws?
Executive Branch
What is required in order to override a governor’s veto?
A two-thirds vote of both houses
Who has the power to sign a bill into law or veto a bill?
In order for a bill to become a law, it must go through a specific legislative process. What is the 2nd step in this process?
Either a senator or representative introduces the bill to the house s/he belongs to.
In order for a bill to become a law, it must go through a specific legislative process. What is the last step in this process?
A bill that passes both houses is sent to the governor. The governor can sign the bill and it becomes a law, or veto the bill.
Both the Senate and House of Representatives use committees for what purpose?
to study bills before they are sent to the members for debate and vote
Who is the leader of the House of Representatives?
Speaker of the House
Senate or House of Representatives or Both? Make laws, Amend GA's Constitution
Senate or House of Representatives or Both? Must be at least 21 years old, Introduce bills designed to raise revenue
House of Representatives
Senate or House of Representatives or Both? Must be at least 25 years old, Approve/reject appointments by the governor, Determine the guilt or innocence of impeached officials
What are the 3 qualifications to being a senator or a representative in Georgia?
US Citizen, GA Citizen for at least 2 years, Resident of district for at least 1 year
What are the two houses of Georgia’s General Assembly?
Senate and House of Representatives