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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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name 5 countries
name 5 family words
Name 5 playground words
Name numbers 11-20
Name 5 actions .
Name 5 food words?
Name 5 parts of a body
He/has/ desk /got/ desk/a ?
Has he got a desk ?
How/there/ beds/many /are /?
How many beds are there ?
What are you wearing ?
Name 5 school items
She has/have got a dog.
I have/has got a blue kite.
Have you got a white skirt ?
123 p Where are the pencils ?
They're in the box
open 123 p. Where is the car ?
It's next to the ball.
Can you climb ?
Can you swim ?
They 're thirsty.(-)
They aren't thirsty.
They're happy. (-)
They aren't happy.
She's tall.(-)
She isn't tall.
I'm sad .(-)
I'm not sad.
This/That is your grandma.(far away)
This/That is my pencil.
It's a /an glue.
It's a/an apple.
What /it/is ?
What is it?
Is it purple?
Yes,it is.
Is it red ?
No,it isn't
I 'm/is seven.
How old are/is you ?
My friend Alex is tall. ... funny too.
This is my friend Sarah . ... six.
Hi! ... Alex