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The Hunger Games Chapter 19

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What is Haymitch's message in sending the broth?
"one kiss = one pot of broth"; encouraging the romance narrative
What is attached to the parachute from Haymitch
a pot of broth
What is Katniss' reaction to first kissing Peeta
She can't stop thinking about how unnaturally hot his lips are because of the fever
What does Katniss spread over the floor of the cave?
pine needles
Where do Katniss and Peeta hide?
"a small cave-like structure"
What did Peeta tell Katniss that Haymitch has sent him as a sponsor gift?
"You know you're kind of ____________ for such a lethal person."
What happens after Katniss first treats Peeta's leg wound with the chewed up leaves?
Pus starts running down Peeta's leg
What is ironic about Peeta and Prim?
Prim would have been more help to Peeta than Katniss is
What is the worst thing about Peeta's leg wound according to Katniss?
The awful smell
What does Peeta say/do that emphasizes to Katniss how sick he is?
He refuses to eat/ He says he's not hungry
What condition has the layers of mud and bottles of water disguised about Peeta
He has a burning fever
What does Peeta first whisper in Katniss' ear?
"It's okay to kiss me anytime you feel like it."
Where did Cato injure Peeta with the sword?
High up on his left thigh
What does Peeta do to camoflauge himself in the water
he uses mud and leaves, and plants to disguise himself
What nickname does Peeta call Katniss when she finds him?
What clue to Peeta's whereabout does Katniss see on a boulder?
a bloody streak
What does Katniss do to confuse the Careers before she goes to find Peeta?
Starts a smoky fire with lots of green wood
Katniss deduces that Peeta is probably hiding near what?
A water source
Where does Foxface probably think Thresh's domain is located?
Over the cliff, on the other side of the lake
What has been Foxface's strategy up until Chapter 19?
"evade, not attack"
What did Katniss say she would be back in her District if she took Peeta's life after the rule change?
a pariah
What rule change did the Gamemakers announce at the end of Chapter 18?
There may be two victors in the game as long as they come from the same district