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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the verb of "portrait"?
What is the adjective of "picture"?
Rewrite the sentence, using the words in brackets: The song is melodic. I feel happy.(the ... the)
The more melodic the song is, the happier I feel.
Complete the sentence, using "so/ too/ either/ neither": Teenagers in Korea listen to K-pop, and those in Viet Nam do, _____.
Rewrite the sentence, using the words in brackets: The journey was long. We were tired.(the ... the)
The longer the journey was. The tired we were.
Complete the sentence, using "so/ too/ either/ neither": These photos are not clear, and those aren’t, _____.
Rewrite the sentence, using the words in brackets: The journey was shorter than we thought at frst.(not as … as)
The journey was not as long as we thought at frst.
Complete the sentence, using "so/ too/ either/ neither": I never watch horror flms and my brother doesn’t, _____.
Rewrite the sentence, using the words in brackets: This flm is more interesting than the one we saw last week.(not as … as)
The flm we saw last week is not as interesting as this one.
Do you know that the most (artistic/ sung/ art gallery/ in person/ films) song in the world is Happy Birthday?
Complete the sentence, using "so/ too/ either/ neither": Nghia has a girl friend, and _____ does An.
Rewrite the sentence, using the words in brackets: This picture is the same as the picture in our room.(not different from)
This picture is not different from the picture in our room.
Complete the sentence, using "so/ too/ either/ neither": Phong used to stay up late, and _____ did Anh.
I love to watch music (artistic/ sung/ art gallery/ in person/ films), not on TV.
in person
Rewrite the sentence, using the words in brackets: This painting is more expensive than my painting.(not as … as)
My painting is not as expensive as this painting.
Complete the sentence, using "so/ too/ either/ neither": They are interested in reading books, and Chau is, _____.
Rewrite the sentence, using the words in brackets: The painting is bigger than the photograph.(not as … as)
The photograph is not as big as the painting.
(artistic/ sung/ art gallery/ in person/ films) usually have more than one actor.
Complete the sentence, using "so/ too/ either/ neither": Peter studies music at school, and Alice does, _____.
Rewrite the sentence, using the words in brackets: The water puppet show was fantastic. The puppeteers were successful.(the ... the)
The more fantastic the water puppet show was, the more successful the puppeteers were.
Complete the sentence, using "so/ too/ either/ neither": Hoang doesn't fancy homework, and _____ does Cuong.
Rewrite the sentence, using the words in brackets: Plays are usually longer than flms.(not as … as)
Films are usually not as long as plays.
Complete the sentence, using "so/ too/ either/ neither": Chau won't bring the glassess, and _____ will Duy.
My friend is very good at drawing things, but I am not as (artistic/ sung/ art gallery/ in person/ films) as he is.
You can see many interesting portraits in that (artistic/ sung/ art gallery/ in person/ films).
art gallery