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A1-A2 Present Continuous (Negative)
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We _____ staying late in the office; we're finishing early today.
am not
My friend _____ waiting for the bus; she's already on it.
am not
The people in the outdoor cafe _____ sitting inside, as it’s a sunny day.
am not
The baker at the city bakery _____ baking any bread right now; his oven is broken.
People in the park _____ playing chess because of the rain.
am not
Correct the mistake: The café aren't serving lunch at this time.
The café isn't serving lunch at this time.
Correct the mistake: People isn't enjoying the open-air concert because of the rain.
People aren't enjoying the open-air concert because of the rain.
Correct the mistake: My friends isn't come to the city festival.
My friends aren't coming to the city festival.
Correct the mistake: She aren't listening to the street musician.
She isn't listening to the street musician.
Correct the mistake: The children isn't playing in the park right now.
The children aren't playing in the park right now.
Correct the mistake: The musicians is not playing any songs at the moment.
The musicians aren't playing any songs at the moment.
Correct the mistake: They aren't waits for the taxi; they're waiting for a friend.
They aren't waiting for the taxi; they're waiting for a friend.
Correct the mistake: Tourists is not enjoying the city tour because it's too hot.
Tourists aren't enjoying the city tour because it's too hot.
Correct the mistake: It's raining, so children aren't plays in the playground.
It's raining, so children aren't playing in the playground.
Correct the mistake: People is walking to work because the bus is late.
People are walking to work because the bus is late.