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A1.2 | Present Perfect | Correct the Mistakes

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I think I’ve already see this movie.
I think I’ve already SEEN this movie.
She hasn’t never sung on a big stage.
She HAS never sung on a big stage. She HASN'T sung on a big stage.
Have you spoke to her lately?
Have you SPOKEN to her lately?
Just I’ve found my keys.
I'VE JUST found my keys.
My colleague is just won the lottery.
My colleague HAS just won the lottery.
What have you did to your brother?
What have you DONE to your brother?
We’ve booked already the hotel rooms for the summer holiday.
We’ve ALREADY BOOKED the hotel rooms for the summer holiday.
The rain hasn’t stoped for hours.
The rain hasn’t STOPPED for hours.
Nobody has never seen the Invisible Man.
Nobody HAS SEEN the Invisible Man.
He’s writen me a postcard from London.
He’s WRITTEN me a postcard from London.
Have I meet you before?
Have I MET you before?
I am already visited India.
I HAVE already visited India.
We have live here for 20 years.
We have lived here for 20 years.
My favourite team have just scored a goal.
My favourite team HAS just scored a goal.
Did you done your homework yet?
HAVE you done your homework yet?
Ann and Suzy have just arriven home.
Ann and Suzy have just ARRIVED home.
Has you ever been to Spain?
HAVE you ever been to Spain?