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Vocalic R tongue twisters

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Don't forget to pour the warm butter on the popcorn.
Their corn was growing outdoors before it was yours.
I hear the chandelier disappeared on the New Year.
I fear the pier this time of year.
I think I hear a deer that is near.
The dog barked at the park in the dark.
Her art is part of the collection in the cart.
I lost my favorite pair of spare square hair ties.
Beware of the hairy bear sitting over there on the chair.
Please order more turkey for our dinner on Thursday.
When you're doing a pullover on the bars, remember to stretch so you don't break your wrist.
When you try to do a forward roll, you end up on the floor.
Where were your shorts when the weather was warm?
The book with no pictures should have pictures because it's 10 times more fun!
Make sure to pour your water over your flower four times an hour.
The girl went to a historical store to learn about history from the thirteenth century at 1424 13th avenue on the 19th bus stop.
The girl went to the store for more flour and butter.
The star shines bright from the alter of the church in the founder's town.
Four thirds is a great equivalent fraction in math class at Frank's school.
The more you pour on the floor, the more your chore.