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pangolin facts

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How do pangolins protect themselves?
They curl up in a ball
True or false: pangolins are nocturnal
why are pangolins important?
They eat bugs
What does "endangered" mean?
there are not alot of them left in the world
What word would you use to describe Ramphy's tongue?
How did the nurses know Ramphy was getting strong?
they weighed him
True or False: A pangolin is a mammal
True or False: Pangolin have teeth
What was hard and protected Ramphy's body
his scales
Ramphy used what to dig for ants?
his claws
What did Ramphey use to eat the ants?
his tongue
True or False: Ramphey was afraid of the ants
What did Ramphey need help eating?
What did the nurse feed Ramphey?