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They are celebrating Valentine's. Heart candy and envelopes can infer that party is a Valentine's exchange
Josh is taking his dog on a walk. He put on his coat and hat so infer he is going outside. Has leash so infer taking dog with him.
She needed to shower (or wash her hands) before going out. She was digging so we can infer she was dirty and people don't want to go to the movies when dirty.
The smoke was caused by the burning cookies. You can infer they were burning because Ella made dough. She was probably waiting for them to finish baking.
He fell off his bike. You know this because: sniffling so infer crying, mom got bandages so infer hurt, parking his bike so infer fell off bike
The dog caused the mess. You know this because: paw prints & fur. Dogs also chew things which explains the torn book on the floor.
She was putting a baby to sleep. You know this because of: teddy bear, quiet, baby monitor, turned off lights
Coffee (or tea). You know this because those are things people typically drink out of mugs in the morning. They also often put cream and sugar in these.