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Shakespeare or Not?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"Laughing stock"
Shakespeare! From: "The Merry Wives Of Windsor" Meaning: A person that people laugh at
"Break the ice"
Shakespeare! Meaning: To start a conversation or make a situation more friendly
"Give the cold shoulder"
Not! Meaning: Being unwelcome to or ignoring someone
"Heart of gold"
Shakespeare! From "Henry V" Meaning: A very kind person
"Caught red-handed"
Not! Meaning: To be caught doing something wrong
"Wild goose chase"
Shakespeare! Meaning: A hopeless or never-ending pursuit
"Turn a blind eye"
Not! Meaning: To ignore facts or reality
"Love is blind"
Shakespeare! From "The Merchant of Venice" Meaning: Not being able to see all of the part's of someone because you love them
"Barking up the wrong tree"
Not! Meaning: Not going to the right person for something
"It's all Greek to me"
Shakespeare! From "Julius Caesar" Meaning: Something that is impossible to understand
"Cat got your tongue?"
Not! Meaning: Something you say to someone who is at a loss for words
"Catch a cold"
Shakespeare! From "Cymbeline" Meaning: To get sick
"Butter someone up"
Not! Meaning: To flatter someone by impressing them
"The world is your oyster"
Shakespeare! From "The Merry Wives Of Windsor" Meaning: To be in a position to take advantage of life's opportunities
"Break the ice"
Not! Meaning: Make a situation more comfortable
"In a pickle"
Shakespeare! From "The Tempest" Meaning: A difficult or uncomfortable situation
"Bite the bullet"
Not! Meaning: Accept something difficult
"Green-eyed monster"
Shakespeare! From "Othello" Meaning: Jealousy