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Unit 9-10 Exam Review

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Which explorers succeeded in circumnavigating the world for the first time?
Fernando de Magallanes and Juan Sebastián Elcano
Which explorer discovered San Salvador, Cuba and Hispaniola?
Christopher Columbus during his first voyage (1492)
Which explorer discovered the Pacific Ocean?
Vasco Núñez de Balboa in 1513
What was the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)?
Established the boundary along a line 370 leagues west of Cape Verde (around 2000 km)
What were the Capitulations of Santa Fe (1492)?
Agreement between Catholic Monarchs and Colón about control over land in the Americas
What was the Treaty of Alçacovas (1479)?
Castilla recognized Portugal's monopoly over its area of expansion in the Atlantic, with the exception of the Canary Islands
What were the technological causes for the beginning of the Age of Exploration?
Technological advances made it possible to sail across the oceans (compass, caravels, navegation)
What were the ideological causes for the beginning of the Age of Exploration?
Spreading the Christian faith and the search for wealth and legendary kingdoms
What were the political causes for the beginning of the Age of Exploration?
Territorial and commercial expansion after the Reconquista in Castilla and Portugal
What were the economic causes for the beginning of the Age of Exploration?
Closing of trade routes to Asia (after the fall of the Byzantine Empire) led to the increase in the price of luxury products
What islands became the naval base for the voyages to the Americas?
The Canary Islands
Why did the Catholic Monarchs want control the North African ports?
To weaken the powerful Muslim states and prevent invasions
Why did Aragón have control over Italy?
Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba defeated the French, giving Aragón control of Naples, Sicily, and Sardinia
How did the Catholic Monarchs try to weaken France's power?
They arranged marriage unions between their children and the monarchs and heirs of Portugal and England
What was the name for Jews who converted to Christianity?
What was the name for Muslims who converted to Christianity?
What groups did the Catholic Monarchs persecute to produce religious unification?
Jewish people (Sephardic Jews were expelled) and Muslims in Christian territory (Mudejars)
What was the Tribunal of the Inquisition? What did it do?
A religious court that persecuted people who opposed the official beliefs of the church and false converts
What groups were a part of the War of Succession 1475-1479 and who won?
Juana la Beltraneja, who had the support of Portugal, and Isabel, who had the support of Aragón. Isabel won.
How was the dynastic union of Castilla and Aragón created?
Isabel, the half-sister (hermana por parte de padre) of Enrique IV of Castilla, married Fernando, the crown prince (heredero de la Corona de) of Aragón
What is the definition of a dynastic union?
Each kingdom kept its own institutions, laws, language, currency (moneda) and boundaries (fronteras)
True or False: The population of cities during the Modern Age decreased
False; cities and the urban population continued growing
Who was a part of the unprivileged estates? Why were they unprivileged?
Ordinary people (the majority of the population). They paid taxes and had to work
What groups were a part of the privileged estates? Why were they privileged?
The nobility and clergy. They didn't pay taxes and they were judged by their equals, owned most of the land, and had access to high political positions
Why did the European population increase during the Modern Age?
Fewer wars, increased agricultural population, less famine, more resistant to disease
How did the upper bourgeoisie reach economic and political power?
They became very rich and joined magistrates
How did the upper bourgeoisie try to join the nobility (gain a noble title)?
Marriage unions, buying noble titles, performing special services for a monarch
What is the domestic system?
The means of production (tools and materials) are given to families in the villages, outside the control of the guilds
How was the fall of Constantinople and Europeans' arrival in the Americas connected?
The Ottoman Turks' conquest of the Byzantine Empire made trade with Asia difficult. The Catholic Monarchs' desire to reach Asia led them to finance Columbus
What event was the end of the Modern Age?
The French Revolution
What 2 events started the Modern Age?
The fall of Constantinople and the arrival of Columbus in America