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Making Inferences Drawing Conclusions

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Hi. Do you take walk ins? OK. Yes, we would like to get 2 pedicures and manicures. We can be there by 1. Great. See you soon! Who did I call?
Nail salon
Good morning. Ralph is due for his annual vaccines. Yes, I believe he needs his rabies shot too. I will make sure he has his collar and leash. Great, I'll see you Friday at 2:00. Who did I call?
Vet, Veterinarian, Animal doctor,
Good morning. I need to make an appointment for Stich. Yes he does need more feline flea medication. 3:00 tomorrow works for me. Who is Stich?
Cat, feline
Hi there can I please order a bouquet of roses? What colors do you have? Yellow would be perfect for my friend Val. I just text you her address. Yes, I'll make the payment online. Thank you. Val will love the flowers. Who was I calling?
Flourist, flower shop
Hi sweetie. I just wanted to call and remind you to pack your umbrella and jacket today. You will need it for tomorrow. What is the weather tomorrow?
Rainy day!
Can I put in an order to go? Great! I would like 6 tamales, 3 tacos, 4 enchiladas. How much will that cost? Great, I'll be there in 20 minutes. Who did I call?
Mexican restaurant
Hello. Can I put in an order? I need 1 mocha and 2 cups of coffee. Yes, I do want whipped cream on my mocha.I'll be there in 10 minutes. Who did I call?
Coffee Shop
Hi, I have an emergency. There's been an accident. I'm at 213 and Beavercreek rd. Come quick! Who did I call?
911, paramedic, ambulance
Hello sir, I would like to have my son's party at your place. OK. How much will that cost? How many tokens will each child get? They will eat pizza and cake! Where will my son's party be?
Pizza Restaurant
Hi ma'am. I need to bring my son to your office today. Yes. Fever. I don't know what's wrong, but I am worried. Who did I call? Why did I call them?
Doctors office. My son is sick.
Hi mom. Yes, I'm hungry. I guess a Big Mac and Sprite would be good. Where is mom? What is she doing?
Yes. It's Thursday night at the stadium. Coach Rick said we have to be there by 5:00. Wouldn't it be awesome if we WON? What is happening Thursday night?
Game day!!
I'm sorry, Riley, but you are punished from TV and video games. Why? You know why- you know your teacher expects you to do it every night but you didn't so now there are consequences. You're still going to be punished at home too.
Riley didn't do homework.
Hi, I saw your ad in the newspaper and I'm interested in what you have for sale. Can I ask you...how are the tires? Has it ever been wrecked? What am I trying to buy? How do you know?
Hi there! I need to rent a bus the 1st Thursday in November. How many children can your buses hold? Do they have TV's because the kids would really enjoy that? OK. Will you be able to get us back to school by 2:45? Why do I need a bus?
Field trip
So do you want to go out Friday night? I don't know what time it's playing but I can find out. If we get there by 4:00 we will have time to get a great seat and some popcorn, too. It's going to be great!
Movie Theatre
Hi, I saw a picture of Sam on the stop sign in my neighborhood, and I think I might have found him. Does he have a red collar? Yes, he was playing the the water near my house, and I brought him inside. Who is Sam? What happened to Sam?
Sam is a dog. He is lost.
Hi, yes ma'am....OK I'm ready. I need 2 large cheese and a medium pepperoni. No, thank you; that will be all. Who did I call? How do you know?
Pizza Restaurant