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A little astronomy (eclipses)

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Can you identify this myth?
People believed that a dragon was eating the Sun (China)
Wolves were chasing and devouring the Sun
Gods were angry and causing the Sun or Moon to disappear
How do ancient myths about eclipses compare to our modern understanding?
Our undertanding is based on scientific principles
We explain through supernatural things
Science has always explained natural phenomena
How do we predict when eclipses will occur?
Using mathematical models and astronomical calculations.
Randomly thinking about when it might happen
Cannot be calculated
What was thought before people understood eclipses scientifically?
Eclipses were caused by supernatural or mythical beings.
They have always been seen scientifically.
There have not always been eclipses
Who studies space and celestial events like eclipses?
Astronomers study space
Philosophers and sociologists
Astrologers and tarot readers
What is a lunar eclipse?
The shadow reflects on the Moon
When the planets align
The shadow is reflected in Mercury
How long does a total solar eclipse typically last?
From a few seconds to a maximum of about 7.5 minutes
Can last up to 3 days
An hour and a half
Can you name one myth or story about eclipses from ancient cultures?
What causes the different phases of the Moon?
By the changing positions of the Moon, Earth, and Sun
By the amount of water in the sea
Because of the position of the Milky Way.
Why does the Sun disappear during a solar eclipse?
The Moon blocking the Sun's light from reaching
It disappears for a few seconds of the clipse.
It makes a rotation and disappears from the Milky Way
What is an eclipse crown?
A ring of sunlight can be seen around the edges (Moon)
It is a crown that is seen on the moon.
This is what the sun's rays are called.
Why is it important to take care when witnessing an eclipse?
Because looking directly can cause damage to your eyes
It is not necessary to protect yourself, there is less light
To prevent weight gain.
What are the different types of eclipses?
Solar eclipses and lunar eclipses.
Elliptical galaxies and Spiral galaxies
Block light through trees.
What are the phases of the Moon?
Full, new, crescent, waxing quarter or waning moon.
Red giants, white dwarfs, neutron stars, etc.
Terrestrial or inner planets and giant or outer planets.
What is a solar eclipse?
When the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking
When the Moon is in its full phase
When there is movement in the tectonic layers