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Visual Studies Midterm

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How old was Mucha when he moved to Paris?
Who was Mucha's Muse?
Sarah Bernhardt
In the ā€˜Vision after the Sermonā€™ painted by Gauguin, what was the prize for winning the wrestling match?
A Cow
What provides another important dimension of the art experience, hearing feedback, criticism, etc. can change the way one might view an artwork?
What element of visual studies are the means to interact, create, connect and communicate with others?
Which artistic step tells you to "Take a break from it. Work on something else, LEARN from something else.?"
3. Detach yourself from it.
What does it mean to "find"?
It means to look inward.
What gives us a map of how to move through the creative process?
What movement is often seen as a response to growing industrialization in Europe and the rise of factory mass production at the perceived expense of traditional craftsmanship.
Arts & Crafts
Nouveau designers using stylized floral and organic forms to bring ___________ back to modern life.
What does "Art Nouveau" translate to?
"New Art"
What is the ability for us to use it builds a higher level of competence and confidence when we respond to and engage with the visual culture of the contemporary or historical world and natural and built environments.
Critical and Visual Language
Which movement is the artwork, Caravaggio, ā€œDavid with the Head of Goliath,ā€ from?
What does the term "barocco" mean?
irregular pearl or stone
Which movement took its name from an insult delivered by the critic Louis Vauxcelles?
Which movement includes small, visible brushstrokes that offer the bare impression of form, unblended color and an emphasis on the accurate depiction of natural light?
Which movement is this sculpture by the Artist: Antonio Canova from?
What art movement is "Nighthawks (1942) By Edward Hopper" from?
Which movement focused on creating a unique and dynamic vision of the future and incorporated portrayals of urban landscapes as well as new technologies such as trains, cars, airplanes, speed, and violence?
What is the state of the artist process that starts with a "gaze"
Which movement portrays non-naturalism, as in, the artists did not portray their subject matter as true-to-nature? Often Associated with the ā€œserpentine figureā€.
The part of the eye we care the most about is the back of the eye which is called theā€¦