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Tattling or Telling

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Kyrie spit in my face!
Telling..something as severe as that behavior needs to be reported
Matthew got 2 juices at lunch.
Last year when I was in Kindergarten, Kyrie told the teacher no.
Serena is making a singing.
Hayden kicked the ball out of my hands and it hit a little girl in the face.
Last week Chloe hit me in the back.
Tattling-trying to get her in trouble
Serena was standing on top of the monkey bars and fell. I think she is hurt.
Kashton was running down the hall at lunch.
Matthew stuck his head in the toilet and he is stuck!
Kyrie keeps yelling at me and I asked him to stop 3 times!
Serena stuck her tongue out at me.
Tattling-ask them to stop and if they do it again tell the teacher
Kyrie took my pencil and I asked him to give it back and he won't.
Telling-you tried to solve it yourself
Jizayla said I was stupid!
Tattling-ask them to stop and if they do it again tell the teacher
Matthew doesn't have his headphones on.
Chloe won't play with me.
Tattling-trying to get them in trouble
Lincoln ran down the hall and I asked him to stop, but he kept running.
I'm the line leader! Kashton butted?
Matthew fell down and is crying. Tattling or Telling?
Telling-Matthew could be hurt
Hayden told me to shut up and I asked him to stop, but he did it again! Tattling or Telling?
Telling-he tried to solve the problem himself
Hayden told me to shut up! Tattling or Telling?
Tattling-he is trying to get him in trouble
What is the main reason a person tattles on someone?
To get them in trouble