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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"I watch YouTube tutorials to learn about density." Patricia said
She said that she watched YouTube tutorials to learn about density.
Felipe and Marius said "We download new apps from the Play Store."
They said that they downloaded new apps from the Play Store.
Aya said " I browse the internet for news updates every morning."
She said that she browsed the internet for news updates every morning.
Jorge said: "I use my smartphone to check emails regularly."
He said that he used his smartphone to check emails regularly.
"My brother gives me two smartwatches for my birthday", Raquel said
Raquel said his brother gave her two smartwatches for her birthday.
John doesn't use the printer at home, she said
She said John didn't use the printer at home.
"I don't use my mobile phone at the weekend", Sofia said
SofĂ­a said she didn't use her mobile phone at the weekend.
"I play video games on my computer.", Izan said
He said that he played video games on his computer.
"We meet Angela's boyfriend at the cinema", Marcos and Pablo said.
They said they met Angela's boyfriend at the cinema.
"We attend virtual meetings during the week.", Gabriel and Álvaro said.
They said that they attended virtual meetings during the week
"They often go on holiday in July", MarĂ­a said.
She said they often went on holiday in July.