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World War 1

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What is the name of the organization for international cooperation established by the Allies?
League of Nations
What is a WW1 Zepplin
A cigar shaped, flying war blimp!
T or F. An explosion on the battlefield in France, could be heard in England
WW1 is also known as the *** ***
Great War
The youngest British soldier in WW1 was just X years old?
12! His nae was Sidney Lewis. He lied about his age to join. Thousands of boys enlisted and lied to fight, stay with their dads or escape poverty.
What was invented bc of WW1?
Plastic Surgery! To help victims of shrapnel wounds.
What's the name of largest battle of WW1 where tanks were used for the first time?
Battle of Somme near Paris France
Why was WW1 considered a new kind of war?
For the first time, powerful new weapons and vehicles were used at sea and on land in in air. First time for tanks. First time for poison gas.
Which countries remained neutral during WW1?
Norway, Sweeden, Spain
What two sides fought in WW1?
The Central Powers and the Allies
Why is it important to have alliances with other countries during war?
Because allies come to your defense when war breaks out.
Overtime, what could be found in trenches or the trench foot?
wet mud floors rats, lice, garbage, soiled bandages, things that caused serious health conditions.
Term for the space of land between the trenches of opposing sides.
No mans land
How many civilians died in WW1?
Over 7 million
How many soldiers died during WW1?
More than 8 million
What were the slated boards at the base of the trenchh called making it easier to walk on/over the wet sump of mud?
Duck Boards
What's a fire step?
It allowed soldiers to see and shoot over the sand bags (parapet) that lined their trenches and dug outs.
Name and locate the trenches.
Fire Trench (front line.) Support Trench (2nd line of defense). Reserve Trench (emergency line). The 3 lines were connected by communication trenches.
What's another name for sandbags lining the trenches and dug outs?
What are trenches?
Long deep ditches that soldiers hid in and used for warfare storage and garbage.
What is No mans land?
The land that no one owns, and soldiers fight on.
What did the Treaty of Versailles do?
Ended the war. Germans blamed for everything. Germans can't have tanks. Germans have to pay money. Rhineland no more army, No planes for Germany.
The Petrograd Soviets believed that all new russians should be....
The Bolshevik Revolution led to Russia being the ......
first communist country in the world.
For 303 years, the Russian Tsar came from the House of XXXXX.
House of Romanov
Who did the Bolsheviks execute (kill)?
Tsar Nicholas II and his entire family.
State three things about the Battle of Gallipoli
The goal was to attack the Dardonalles straight (water) btw two seas and the peninsula Gallipoli. Mass casualities. Started in water. Ended with land invasion.
What do you know about Ypres?
It was the sight of 3 major battles. 850,000 injured and dead.
Explain what happened during the Russian Revolution.
The people of Russia, peasants and working class people, revolted against their government. Tsar Nicholas II.
What's the name of the first communist country?
Soviet Union
Who was the leader of Austrian- Hungary that was assassinated just prior to WW1?
Duke Ferdinand. He led with Kaiser King Franz Joseph.
Duke Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated by a guy people called the xxxxxxxx
"Black Hand".
What country did Emperor Yoshihito lead in?
Do you remember the name of the king that lead in Italy for WW1?
King Victor Emmanual III
Who was the president during WW1? Who lead with him?
President Woodrow Wilson. (Commander John Pershing)
What country did King Peter 1 and Prime Minister Nikola Paik lead?
What country did Sultan Mehmed V lead?
Ottoman Empire (Became Turkey)
What country did Kaiser Wilhelm II and King George V lead?
What country did Prime Minister George Clemenceau lead during WW1?
What Country were these men leaders for? King George V, Winston Churchill, David Lloyd, and Qeen Victoria.
Great Britain
What country did these men LEAD? Tsar Nikolaus III, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stali, and Leon Trotsky?,
What 3 things did Germany do that caused US to enter WW1?
1. attacked 3 US trade ships. 2. sunk the Lusitania ship and killed 100 VIPs. 3. Got caught with the Zimmerman(secret)note, trying to partner with Mexico .
What Battle between germany and russia resulted in the suicide of a leader (Commander Samsonou) and the destruction of the Russian Army?
Battle of Tannenberg
What is ****** Sunday?
IN Russia, the workers marched to Tsars Palace and petitioned for better working conditions. Workers were fired. Many people killed.
What do you know about U-boats?
Subs. Germany used these submarines to sink American ships in 1915. They claimed US was helping Great Britain.
What were the impacts effects of the WW1?
Women more ind. Tech in wars. Mass deaths. USA became world power. Soviet Union formed. The start of communism and Nazism. Treaty of V. USA "Lottery-Draft",
Why is the RMS Lustania ship important? (Lucy Tanic)
The Lusitania was a British ship that the Germans sunk. 100 VIP Americans were killed.
Explain what the Zimerman (secret) telegram was.
It was supposed to be a secret memo or note from Germany to Mexico. Germany tried to talk Mexico into fighting the US and taking back Tx, Az, and NM.
Who was the "Black Hand", Gavarillo Prnicip?
He assassinated (killed) Arch duke Ferdinand. A month later, Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia and Europe.
Try to list ten weapons and technology in WW1.
Flame throwers, U boats, tanks, machine guns, airplanes, tanks, war blimps, traceable bullets, phones, gas, photography, trench warfare
What are the two political parties during the February Russian Revolution?
1)Petrograd Soviet: workers and soldiers and 2) Provisional Govt: No Tsar, traditional.
The Bolshevik Revolution
The BR led to Russia becoming the first communist country in the world. Bolsheviks believed that new Russians should be communists and Marxists.
What powers did the Russian Tsar have during WW1?
1. Total Power of Russia. 2. Army Commander. 3. Owned the land. 4 Controlled the church.
What countries were called the Triple Entente? (R-F-GB)
(R)-Russia, (F)-France, (GB)-Great Britain. The nucleus of WW1 Allies in Power.
What countries were called the Central Powers or Central Triple Alliance? (A-G-O)
(A) Austria-Hungary, (G) Germany, (O) Ottoman Empire
What countries were part of the Allies Triple Entente and became "Allies". (F-U, JR., S-I-B)
F) France, U) USA, J) Japan, S) Serbia, I) Italy, and B) Britain. The big 4 were USA, Britain, Italy, and France.
What is militarism?
When government uses armed forces like military and armed forces to get what they want in war.
What does it mean when there has been an assassination.
To kill a public figure. Usually gov't. Organized crime.
What is nationalism?
Loving your country so much that you think it's superior to other countries.
Explain Imperialism.
When countries start to take over the land, economy, and politics of other countries.
What is an Alliance?
When countries unite and defend each other. Allies.
What are the M-A-I-N triggers that led to WW1?
Militarism, ***assination, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism.
What role did women have during WW1?
They did the jobs that men had to leave. They did work that used to be only for men. Worked the land, hospitals, engineering jobs. War jobs like building ships.
Why did it take the US so long to enter WW1?
Isolationism (i-so-la-tion-ism). There was an isolation policy. US was supposed to keep to themselves and stay out of other countries.
When did the US enter the war.
April 6, 1917