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Spelling Words 3 & 4

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a sentence: Familiar
e.g. I am familiar with Thai food. She looks familiar.
Meaning: excitingly attractive; full of glamour
Meaning: a state of overwhelming emotion
Meaning: a group of people appointed or elected to consider or take action on some matter
Make a sentence: Colleague
e.g. I get along well with my colleague
Make a sentence: Business
e.g. Mind your own business. What business do your parents own?
Make a sentence: Aggressive
e.g. that street dog near the shop is very aggressive
Meaning: to cause to feel self-consciously confused or distressed
Make a sentence: Disappear
E.g. Where did they disappear to?
Meaning: (a) aware of facts or feelings (b) mentally alert or active (3) done with awareness or purpose
Meaning: (a) to create an unpleasant situation for by unwelcome verbal or physical conduct (b) to annoy persistently.
Make a sentence: Beginning
e.g. The beginning of the school year
Meaning: (a) in actual fact (b) without question (3) very (d) to be honest)
Make a sentence: Across
e.g. They live across the road from us
Make a sentence: Receive
e.g. What did you receive in the mail today?
Meaning: in a manner observable by or in a place accessible to the public
Meaning: (a) the way someone or something looks (b) something that appears
Meaning: (a) in any situation in which (b) at, in, or to whatever place
Make a sentence: Which
e.g. Which sports do you like? I write letters which I never send.
Meaning: (a) at a basic level (b) for the most part