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Important Documents (Supreme Court Cases)
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Separate but equal is the game if you fail to follow the rulles the results wont be fair for you.
Plessy V. Ferguson
Slavery was made legal in all territories unfortunately this man was told he cant win his freedom at least not yet.
Dred Scott V. Sandford
The Cherokee were bullied by Andrew Jackson to relocate. Supreme court said no they have ultimate sovereignty.
Worcester V. Georgia
Steamboats like to trade. Dont forget the federal government always has power over states especially in trade.
Gibbons V. Odgen
I am a national bank that sued the state over taxes. I won remember federal is supreme over anything.
McCulloch V. Maryland
I am the power of Judicial Review. I give the Supreme court power to declare laws and actions unconstituional.
Marbury V. Madison
Hamilton joins forces with James Madison And John Jay to wrote a series of essays. Published anonymously. Defending the new United States Constitution
Federalists Papers
I am a copy. I added women to the list. All we wanted was to be free and treated equally.
Declaration of Sentiments
I told Europe to stay away. Do not colonize North or South America or you will pay.
Monroe Doctrine
I warned you from PDA. Listen to my advice or its to late.
Washington's Farewell Address
There are 10 of us. We give people freedoms like Freeedom of speech. We protect you from government abuse.
Bill of RIghts
I am the Supreme Law of the land. I am strong with 7 principles written by James Madison even added a list of rights to protect you from the government
I was the plan of government when we were states but I failed. I had more weaknesses then strengths.
Articles of Confederation
I broke up with King George on July 4th. I stated all of the grievances against him because I wanted my Life, Liberty and Happiness.
Declaration of Independence
I am the 1st example of a Constitution (formal written plan of government) in the colonies
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
We signed our names to a contract when we landed. It became the first self-governing document.1620 in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
Mayflower Compact
We first met in 1619. Representative government was created here in Virginia.
House of Burgesses