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Animals on every letter

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is this animal?
Zz - Zebra
What is this animal?
Yy - Yak
What is this animal?
Xx - Xerus
What is this animal?
Ww - Wolf
What is this animal?
Vv - Vulture
What is this animal?
Uu - Urial
What is this animal?
Tt - Turtle
What is this animal?
Ss - Snake
What is this animal?
Rr - Rabbit
What is this animal?
Qq - Quail
What is this animal?
Pp - Penguin
What is this animal?
Oo - Owl
What is this animal?
Nn - Nutria
What is this animal?
Mm - Monkey
What is this animal?
Ll - Lion
What is this animal?
Kk - Kangaroo
What is this animal?
Jj - Jellyfish
What is this animal?
Ii - Iguana
What is this animal?
Hh - Hyena
What is this animal?
Gg - Giraffe
What is this animal?
Ff - Frog
What is this animal?
Ee - Eagle
What is this animal?
Dd - Deer
What is this animal?
Cc - Camel
What is this animal?
Bb - Butterfly
What is this animal?
Aa - Alpaca